Community Resources
Beresford Faith in Action is a non profit organization that assists individuals and families in need in Beresford and the surrounding area. They are located in the basement of Emmanuel Lutheran Church (101 S. 5th Street). Office hours are Thursday 1:00-6:00 PM or any day by appointment. The office number is (605) 763-8019. Individuals in need of utility/rent assistance or other concerns can call the office and leave their name and contact information. The Director of Faith in Action will call the client back to set up an appointment to meet and discuss their situation. You can also follow Beresford Faith in Action on their Facebook page.
Beresford Community Food Cupboard and Services is a non-profit facility that provides individuals and families with extra food during the month. The Cupboard also provides services such as dry cleaning drop-off and pick-up, watch battery repair, health aids (walkers, canes, crutches) and more. Call (605) 659-0989 for more information or follow their Facebook page: Beresford Community Food Cupboard And Services.
Set Free Civic Center is a thrift store located at 120 N. 3rd St. and is run by volunteers from Set Free and other local churches. They have low prices to offer affordable clothes and other items to those who need it. Please go to their website by clicking on the image "Set Free Beresford" to find their hours of operation.
Rural Office of Community Services (ROCS) provides affordable and accessible transportation services for various outings. Our partnerships allow us to accommodate nursing home and veteran needs. From medical, educational and professional to social, shopping and personal - we have you covered. To schedule a ride, please call (605) 366-7360 at least one day prior to your outing. Seniors (60+) riding in town ride for free.