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Garbage, Recycling, Rubble

The City of Beresford offers Garbage, Recycling and Rubble (waste) services for our citizens. For more information, please look at the different sections below. If you have questions, please call City Hall (605) 763-2008. For temporary changes or updates, please follow us on Facebook.

Garbage Service

Effective January, 2021, our current garbage company is:





Residential Pickup: $17/month + tax


Commercial Pickup: Varies by size of dumpster and the number of pickups per week. Please contact City Hall for prices.


Charges for garbage pickup are reflected on your utility bill.


Garbage Container Cost: You can rent a garbage container from the garbage service or purchase your own. If you choose to purchase your own container, it must be consistent with containers provided by the garbage service. 


Costs for rented containers will be billed once per year by the garbage provider. 


Sticker: A sticker must be placed

on the lid of your garbage can

for your garbage to be picked up.

Stickers were mailed out in the Feb

bill; if you did not get one or need an

additional sticker, please contact City Hall.


Garbage Pickup Day/Location:



Monday: Includes 13th Street west to 3rd Street and South of Hwy 46 (inside the blue highlighted area on the map below).


Thursday:​ All addresses that are outside of the area highlighted in blue.


Please place your container at the end of your driveway the night prior to pickup or early morning the day of pickup. All garbage needs to be in the container/dumpster, nothing on the ground.


If you have more than one container, place them at least 3 feet apart to accommodate the truck.




Commercial pickup is on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. The day of pickup will be based on your location and the number of pickups per week. Contact the garbage provider for more information.

Garbage Pickups.JPG

Recycling Center

Hours of Operation:


 Tuesday 2 - 5 PM

Thursday 2 - 5 PM

Saturday 9 AM - 12 PM (noon)

Recycling Curb-Side Pick Up


Recycling curb-side pickup occurs on the 2nd & 4th Friday of each month.​

Phone Number: (605) 763-2076

Location: 102 West Oak Street

Recycling items must be in clear, plastic bags and sorted as follows:

  • Newspapers, magazines, shredded paper

  • #1 & #2 Plastics (must be rinsed out)

  • Tin & Aluminum Cans (must be rinsed out)

  • Corrugated Cardboard Only (does not have to be in bag if too large)


Check out our Rubble/Recycling Flyer for more info.

Wondering what you can and cannot recycle? Check out these helpful flyers:



Recycling Bottles

Rubble Site

All loads must be secured or tarped to prevent material from spilling from the vehicle. Failure to deliver the load in an approved manner will result in a mandatory $30 fee per vehicle.

Summer Hours: 

(effective April 1, 2025)

Sunday, Monday: CLOSED

Tuesday: 1:30-4:30 PM 

Wednesday: 1:30-7:00 PM

Thursday: 1:30-4:30 PM

Friday: 1:30-4:30 PM

Saturday: 9 AM-12 PM & 1-3 PM


Winter Hours: 

Saturday 9 AM-1 PM


Location: 1/2 mile north of Hwy 46 on 473rd Ave

Official Website of
City of Beresford, South Dakota
101 S. 3rd St. Beresford, SD 57004
Phone: (605) 763-2008 Fax: (605) 763-2329
Utility After Hours: (605) 763-2211
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